
Food sealed storage, why is the fresh-keeping box so popular?


In refrigerators where many kinds of ingredients are mi […]

In refrigerators where many kinds of ingredients are mixed, sealed storage is very necessary. Use airtight bags or airtight jars to store food, which can prevent food from smelling each other, and it can also avoid unspeakable strange smells when the refrigerator door is opened.

Many people buy food directly in the refrigerator  food storage container without any sealing measures. This kind of preservation is very easy to breed bacteria and quickly decay and deteriorate. Even for some relatively "strong" foods, not paying attention to sealing and open storage can easily affect their taste. Therefore, when storing food, you must pay attention to separate raw and cooked foods and keep them sealed.

The fresh-keeping box is also one of the standard equipment of refrigerator storage. Use a crisper to store food, not only to keep it fresh, but also to quickly locate an item when you want to find it. Reasonable placement can also reserve a certain space to facilitate the convection of cold air in the refrigerator.

In terms of food preservation, although the fresh-keeping box is airtight, it also leaves room for water vapor. This is much better than plastic bags. If food is packed in plastic bags, water droplets will condense in the bag, which will continue to contact the food, which will quickly cause its deterioration and rot.

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