
Laundry room storage ideas


The laundry room is usually the least decorated place i […]

The laundry room is usually the least decorated place in your home. While this shouldn't be the most exciting room in your home, adding a small decorative element can make it feel more welcoming. Decorative baskets can be a charming addition and give a room a unique feel, but also help keep things organized in the laundry room.


Store Laundry Supplies Effectively Having a wicker basket in your laundry room is a great way to store all your laundry supplies. This also adds a decorative element to your laundry room rather than having all your supplies outside. Fill a basket with laundry detergent, dryer sheets, bleach, and extra hangers for drying clothes that need to be dried.


Keep lost socks in one place Lost socks can appear on almost every item of clothing. Instead of throwing them away right away, put them all in one basket. Keeping lost socks in one place will help you and your family be more organized. Tip: Create a two-week rule to make sure it doesn't pile up: If you don't find a matching sock in two weeks, it's time to throw it away.


Using rattan storage box wicker baskets as gift hampers Laundry hampers and baskets don't always look great, which can sometimes be a challenge if you have to keep them outside. Using a wicker basket as a basket works well for this problem. While specially designed baskets are available, you can also use any wicker basket of your choice to store clothing. You can even designate a separate basket to organize all your whites.

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