
What are the raw materials of common plastic products?


"01": pet (polyethylene terephthalate) Common mineral w […]

"01": pet (polyethylene terephthalate)
Common mineral water bai bottles and carbonated beverage bottles are made of this material. This kind of beverage bottle cannot be recycled or filled with hot water. Its heat-resistant temperature is only 70℃, which is only suitable for warm or cold drinks. It is easy to be deformed when it is filled with high-temperature liquid or heated, which will dissolve harmful substances to the human body. Scientists also found that this plastic product may release carcinogens after 10 months. Therefore, the beverage bottle should be thrown away when it is used up, and should not be used as a water cup or used as a storage container to hold other foods, so as not to cause health problems.
"02": hdpe (high density polyethylene)
Plastic containers for cleaning products and bath products, as well as plastic bags currently used in supermarkets and shopping malls, are mostly made of this material, which can withstand a high temperature of 110°C. Plastic bags for food can be used to hold food. Plastic containers that hold cleaning supplies and bath products can be reused after careful cleaning, but these containers are usually not easy to clean, and it is easy to leave cleaning supplies and become a hotbed of bacteria. Therefore, it is best not to recycle when cleaning is not thorough.
"03": pvc (polyvinyl chloride)
The toxic and harmful substances easily produced by plastic products of this material come from two aspects: one is the monomolecular vinyl chloride that is not fully polymerized during the production process, and the other is the harmful substances in the plasticizer. These two substances are easy to separate out when encountering high temperature and grease, and toxic substances can easily cause cancer after entering the human body with food. At present, containers of this material have been seldom used for packaging food. If the household has items made of this material, don't let it heat up.

"04": ldpe (low density polyethylene)
Cling film, plastic film, etc. are all such materials, which are not very heat-resistant. Usually qualified PE cling film will melt when the temperature exceeds 110℃, leaving some plastic preparations that cannot be decomposed by the human body. And wrap the food with plastic wrap to heat, the fat in the food can easily dissolve the harmful substances in the plastic wrap. Therefore, before the food is put into the microwave oven, the wrapped plastic wrap must be removed.
"05": pp (polypropylene)
The microwave lunch box is made of this material, resistant to high temperatures of 130°C, and poor in transparency. This is the only plastic box that can be placed in a microwave oven and can be reused after careful cleaning. It is important to note that some microwave lunch boxes are made of No. 05 pp, but the lid is made of No. 06 ps (polystyrene). PS has good transparency, but is not resistant to high temperatures, so it cannot be combined with the box. Put it in the microwave. To be on the safe side, remove the lid of the container before putting it in the microwave.
"06": ps (polystyrene)
This is a material used to make bowls of instant noodle boxes and foaming fast food boxes. It is heat-resistant and cold-resistant, but cannot be placed in a microwave oven to avoid the release of chemicals due to excessive temperature. In addition, the container of this kind of material cannot be used to contain strong acids (such as orange juice) and strong alkaline substances, because it will decompose polystyrene which is harmful to the human body. Therefore, try to avoid using fast food boxes to pack hot food.
"07": pc and other categories
PC is a material that is used in large quantities, mostly used in the manufacture of baby bottles, space cups, etc., because it contains bisphenol a and is controversial. Some experts pointed out that in theory, as long as 100% of bisphenol a is converted into a plastic structure in the process of making pc, it means that the product is completely free of bisphenol a, let alone released. If a small amount of bisphenol a is not converted into the plastic structure of pc, it may be released into food or drink. Therefore, pay special attention when using this plastic container. The higher the temperature of the residual bisphenol a in PC, the more release and the faster the speed. Therefore, avoid boiling water in a cup made of pc material or boil it in water.

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