Why not just put the boxes of cereal, pasta Rice Storag […]
Why not just put the boxes of cereal, pasta Rice Storage Bins and baking powder right on the pantry shelf? The first thing that decanting food does is eliminate the obvious clutter. Look in your cupboard and you’ll find that there’s hardly a box or can that’s the same size. So neat stacking is hardly possible.Let’s stay with the example of cornflakes packaging: Who hasn’t had the experience of coming back from shopping and finding only a mini-rest of cornflakes in the packaging the next morning? If you repack them in a clear package, you always know how much is left.Putting food in airtight containers extends its shelf life. And you ward off unwelcome visitors, like mealworms or moths, which can easily bite through paper bags.
Even when decanting, you can see if the package comes out of the store with vermin infestation which doesn’t happen that rarely and you can exchange it right away.However, decanting into containers not only helps you keep track of the quantity, but also makes it easier to use the food. Spooning flour from a container is much easier than from a torn bag that you additionally can’t reseal properly.There are three criteria that storage containers should meet: They must be transparent, close tightly, and make the best use of cabinet space.In a transparent box, you can immediately see the contents and also the level of the food. Simply cut out the best-before date from the package and stick it on the container with adhesive tape.
If it should go fast and you do not want to label extra stickers, then this also helps: Cut out the packaging lid or bag label of the food and simply put it on top. Through the transparent lid, you can read everything so easily. If you label your cans on the side because the boxes are on a shelf, for example, simply slide the label down the side of the container wall on the inside. The food will then automatically hold it there in place.Keyword food moths: Clearly, the tighter the lid, the higher the protection against pests. This also prevents moisture from penetrating and everything stays optimally dry and fresh.Large jars often look very pretty, but due to the round shape do not use the space optimally. Swapping jars for square containers will save about 20% in space.
Additionally, square containers are easier to stack and combine with each other.In fact, this topic is really exciting. After all, when we buy food, it’s usually measured in grams, and the sizes of storage cans are measured in liters. How does that fit together? Do I have to convert my kilo of flour into liters now? Is it the same as with water – 1 kilo equals one liter? Unfortunately, it is not quite that simple. Unfortunately, one kilo of flour does not equal one liter of volume. And 1 kg of coffee beans takes up a completely different amount of space. Put the packages of one liter of milk, one package of flour and one kilo of coffee beans next to each other. This is the best way to see the differences. What is needed to calculate the space required by a food product is the bulk density.
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